Friday, April 16, 2010

Sunday, March 21, 2010

phuket paradise weather

Three seasons  in Phuket are cool, rainy, and hot. The most popular time to travel is during the cool season from November to February, also the perfect  time for diving and water sports. The rainy season is from May until October, with the heaviest rainfall usually in October. Rainfall is normally disrupted by moments or days of sunshine. Hot, dry weather occurs from March through April. Average year-round temperatures in Phuket are from 25 to 30 Celsius.

Tourist favourite season is from November until April, during which time hotel prices are at their highest. If crowds are an issue when planning a vacation, avoid these months. But realise that these months are the most crowded because the weather is the most perfect time to travel Phuket , because clear weather then you could enjoy every activities that you plan for your great trip.